How to achieve good health?
Achieving health and maintaining healthy is a never-ending process.
To achieve good health,people should concentrate on following factors.
Physical health
The first and foremost is the physical aspect,it means maintaining the physical body.All the professional sportsmen stres on this factor a lot in order to achieve success in their career.
Well everyone should stress on this factor because its the base of the health,body is the system through which a person interacts with the external world.
As every persona interacts with the outside world differently has different climatic conditions and surroundings,this factor is very varied and depends on each person differently.
Even people with similar working conditions should maintain their body differently as it also includes the genetic factor.Each person is different from one another,and its only you who can study you own body better than a doctor.
You know the strength and the limitaions of your own body and you should try and improve your strength and decrease the limitaions.
Achieveing a good physical obviously includes good physical activities that make your body work.The human body is so made by god that its the the best thing in the world that can adapt to different situations if worked on nicely.
The human body is so made that it adapts changes in itself very easily as compared to other organisms.You wont find any other animal living in -20degrees celsius to +45 degree celsius.You must have also witnessed this with the people around you.The man who was considered an underdog 2-3 years ago is one of the strongest man around you now.
Physical fitness or good health includes cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength,stamina and flexibility.It also includes several other factors like sexual health and correct amount of sleep.
Mental health
As defined in wikipedia "Mental health is a term used to describe either a level of cognitive or emotional well-being or an absence of a mental disorder."
The World Health Organization defines mental health as "a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community”
It includes the way the people think,handles stress,work around,find new ideas and plans for different things,as well as make good decisions and at the right time. Mental health also include the ability to cope with the problems in day to dat to life and thats how meantal health is linked to the social life of the person.
Mental health is something that no doctor can improve,you need to work for it on your own.The best ways to to have a good mental health to have a strong and healthy social life along with motivation to do what we want to do.People must be able to locate their source of motivation and should to remove their weakness i.e. their weird behaviour towards unexpected things.
Social Factor
As mentioned social factor is very much responsible in maintaing mental health.
Personal health depends partially on the social structure of one's life.
The maintenance of strong social relationships is linked to good health conditions, longevity, productivity, and a positive attitude. This is due to the fact that positive social interaction as viewed by the participant increases many chemical levels in the brain which are linked to personality and intelligence traits.
Even after being physcially and mentally fit social factor make people behave diffrently and affect their lives a lot more than personal health and mental health do.
It involves all the activities to keep body clean to prevent from infections and diseases.Hygiene practices include bathing, brushing and flossing teeth, washing hands especially before eating, washing food before it is eaten, cleaning food preparation utensils and surfaces before and after preparing meals, and many others